#22 HRAI+SHRM 2「障害は人ではなく、環境にある」〜車いすのCEOが人事に求めることとは!(DE&Iを経営目線で考える)〜ウェビナーを開催 - 人事資格認定機構-HRAI-


#22 HRAI+SHRM 2「障害は人ではなく、環境にある」〜車いすのCEOが人事に求めることとは!(DE&Iを経営目線で考える)〜ウェビナーを開催

True DE&I “Human disability lies NOT with Individual, but within the Environment ”~Leading with ability. The path of a disabled CEO in Japan~




者を含めた多様な全ての人財を「KSA 知識・スキル・能力」で、採用・配属・評価をする。DE&I(ダイバーシティー・エクイティー&インクルージョン)の実現はここからが出発です。



Message from the Organizer
How is the employment of people with disabilities progressing in your workplace? An increasing number of companies may consider introducing “universal design.” 
Do you know “universal manners”? Last year, I obtained Level 3 of the Universal Manner Certificate and realized the importance of education for adults (including myself) dealing with disabilities.
In 2022, I met two outstanding entrepreneurs. One is Nick from Toronto, Canada, and the other is Toshiya from Gifu, Japan.
Most companies, when hiring “people with disabilities,” create jobs for people with disabilities. “This is not enough from now on, but what should we do…” HR professionals promoting diversity at Japanese companies often raise this question.
People with disabilities do “Supporting roles” and “need assistance.” We will need to get out of this idea and hire, assign, and evaluate all diverse human resources, including people with disabilities, based on “KSA knowledge, skills, and abilities.” The next phase of DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) starts from here.
The driving force behind DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) is the quantity and quality of diverse experiences each of us has, including “virtual reality.”
Join our webinar to meet with remarkable entrepreneurs with visible disabilities and break through your concept of disability. From India, Sandeep Bindani will also take the stage and join a panel conversation with Mr. Kakiuchi and Nick. He is a leading senior HR professional supporting people with disabilities who is one of the top 100 HR influencers in India on Twitter.
Please experience live information on Japan, Asia, and the forefront of DE&I’s empowerment of people with disabilities.

スケジュール Schedule

開催日時:2023年2月16日(木)午後2時〜午後3時半  Thursday, 16 February 2023, 14:00~15:30 JST

第一部 (14:00~15:00)

基調講演「車いすのCEOの経営哲学とは」Keynote speech “What does CEO with visible disability expect from HR?”
岐阜出身の起業家社長 株式会社ミライロ 代表取締役社長 垣内 俊哉さん
Entreprenoeur from Gifu, Japan: Toshiya Kakiuchi, Founder & CEO, Mirairo Inc
トロント出身の起業家社長 株式会社ターゲットキャストCEO  ニコラス コバックさん
Entreprenoeur from Toronto Canada: Nicolas Kovac, CEO Founder & CEO, TargetCast Inc.


第二部 (15:00~15:30)

Keynote Speech Message from a senior HR professional representing India: “Success in employment of people with disabilities”
サーラテー共同創設者 サンディープ・ビダニさん
Sandeep Bindani, Co-founder Saarathee

ウェビナー予告編動画 垣内さん、ニックさんインタビュー動画 も是非ご覧ください!
Please watch interview video, Toshiya and Nick talk about their life stories!